Mr Blings

CRank: 5Score: 125160

480p ='s fail

5337d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How About stepping into 2009/2010 and make a system with HD. i dont watch movies in standard def, i dont watch tv shows or sports in standard def i dont play ps3 or 360 in standard def....why the f would i want to play a nintendo system in standard def? i don't, therfore my wii sits there glowing day in and day out because i dont even turn it on to download updates anymore. it is nothing but a paperweight. I will give in and buy super mario bros wii, but damn, it will b the fuggliest game...

5337d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good news. Bought GTA IV on ps3 so haven't yet spent any time playing Lost and The damned. Now if its worth it I can play both new episodes for a decent price.

5484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shadow is a very solid DJ. all of his albums are solid for the most part. especially his early stuff. and the U.N.K.L.E. album he took part in. Endtroducing

5493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my 360 downloads are a ton faster, have no clue why, but ill always download stuff thats on both consoles on 360 b/c of it.

5517d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've read plenty of articles in recent months rating amount of time spent using each particular console. Not once, was Nintendo ever #1 in amount of time spent.

Is your music on your hard drive? Or are you streaming? I am streaming my music from laptop to 360...I dont see why this would matter, but this is an issue with the ps3 as well(cant have in game music because I'm streaming, rather then loading music onto system hdd)so who knows.

with the new dashboard has to do with the music feature. The original dashbard would allow a user to switch up their playlist/album while in game.

Example: I'm playing NHL 08 and listining to O.A.R. I then feel like listining to something harder so I hit the guide button and decide to listen to the new AC/DC album. Then i just go back to playing hockey.

Now, if I try the same process with the new update I find that I am stuck listining to the O.A.R. album t...

5608d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

also want a new road rash

5650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been in the beta for about a month now...No game i own was able to use in home game launching yet. Will all games be able to launch from home now or still just the few titles like warhawk and such?

Home has a ton of potential by the way, but so far I've only logged on about 3 times because there was really nothing to do besides mess around with my personal spaces.

5650d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you all f*kcing suck balls...both camps. You are ruining this generation of awesome games. The sad thing is, no matter which camp you support, you are still missing good games one way or another. You all are very sad individuals, and NONE OF YOU ARE TRUE GAMERS...TRUE GAMERS HAVE ALL 3 KITS

5697d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

you get what you pay for. I hope Sony gets its act together and it takes off, but to say it will be better then Live is setting self up for disappointment.

I play each system about the same amount. I don't think of psn as a service. I turn my PS3 on, launch my game and then put it in standby when finished. I look at live as a service (I should, I pay for it.) With netflix jumping on board, and the new party system, just added value to a great service already. Live just fee...

5712d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment